

Working with middle schools and high schools in Santa Maria, CA, this project creates activities and workshops that combine STEM outreach with storytelling. The goal is to and help local school students learn STEM skills and get to know Cal Poly, but also to reflect on their own communities and empower community development. The project is sponsored by Cal Poly’s Federal TRIO outreach programs. Principal Investigators: Dr. David Gillette and Dr. Matthew Harsh.

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Supporting STEM research cultures in Africa: Building institutional capacity for computing research in Kenya

The project adds a global dimension to CET’s work on social and ethical dimensions of digital technologies and connects the Center to companies, academics, and communities of practice using artificial intelligence and machine learning for community development in Kenya. The project is supported by the International Development Research Center of Canada. Principal Investigator: Dr. Matthew Harsh.

Promoting Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the Local Community Through Collaboration on Interactive Virtual Reality Training Tools

Historical inequities in academia and healthcare professions are major barriers to advancement and wellbeing of marginalized populations. This project improves diversity, equity and inclusion in the local community by incorporating immersive virtual reality components into existing sexual and gender harassment, and transgender awareness training. The project is sponsored by the Public Interest Technology University Network. Principal Investigator: Dr. James Werner.